In one study in 2015 is called Food Order has a significant impact on postprandial glucose and insulin levels and the main author was Alana Shulka and it was published in diabetes care in this recherche they took some people who had type two diabetes and the put these people into two categories both groups would eat the same food the whole time of the study the same calories the same composition it was the same meal but one of the group was instructed to ear the ingredients the elements of that meal in a specific order and both groups had their glucose levels continuously monitored to see the impact and the meal was as follows so the meal contained vegetables in this study they used lettuce and tomato salad with vinaigrette and steamed broccoli with butter very specific then they also had protein in the meal in this case it was chicken breast and the meal also contained carbs bread and orange juice so again both groups ate the exact same meal but one of the groups ate first the vegetables they started with the tomato salad and the broccoli then the chicken and the the bread and orange juice while the other group just ate however they wanted.
And they found out a revolutionary result in the group that ate their meal in the specific order: the glucose spike of the meal was reduced by 73%. 73% less impact from that meat on the participants.
Glucose spike is increasing glucose level. 73% smaller glucose spike for the same meal they were just eating that exact same meal but their body had a much different experience in the group that ate vegetables, proteins and fats then the carbs there was much less inflammation much less insulin release much less glycation much less impact on their mood their hunger their skin their hormones and their long-term Health.