The recommendation for total water intake is about 2.7 L per day for women and 3.7L per day for men. It is important to note that recommended water intake includes water from all sources such as drinking pure water, milk, juice and other beverages. Water and other beverages account for about 80% of adult fluid intake. The other 20% comes from water in foods. per day for women and 3.7L per day for men. It is important to note that recommended water.
Water intoxication can occur due to either too much water or too little sodium in the body. This can occur due to improper administration of intravenous fluids, or drinking too much plain water during excessive sweating. Water intoxication is extremely rare, primarily because healthy kidneys are capable of excreting up to one liter of excess water per hour.
Water deficiency
Dehydration can occur due to inadequate intake or abnormal loss such as severe vomiting, burns, diabetes mellitus, excessive perspiration, excessive urination, or the use of certain medications such as diuretics. Symptoms of dehydration include low blood pressure, thirst, dry skin, fever, and mental disorientation.
A loss of 10% body water can cause serious problems. Blood volume and nutrient absorption are reduced, and kidney function is upset. A loss of 20% of body water can cause circulatory failure and death. Infants are at high risk of dehydration during vomiting and diarrhea. Electrolytes are always lost with water; so intravenous fluids may be required to replace water loss. The thirst sensation often lags behind the body’s need for water, especially in the elderly, children, athletes and the ill.
Water content of different foods
strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, lettuce ,cabbage, celery, bottle gourd, tomato ( 90-99 )
Fruit juice, yoghourt, apple, grapes, carrots, milk, pineapple( 80-89)
Bananas, potato, chicken (70-79)
Past, legumes, salmon, meat 60-69)
Ground beef, hot dogs, steak, feta cheese (50-59)
Pizza( 40-49)
Cheddar, cheese, bread (30-39)
Pepperoni, cake, biscuits, honey( 20-29)
Butter, margarine, raisins, wheat flour, rice( 10-19)
Walnuts, dry-roasted peanuts, crackers, pretzels, peanut butter( 1-9)
Oils, sugars (0)